Welcome to a place where it's so easy to make friends and savor the relaxed lifestyle you have always dreamed of. It is time for you to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine that comes with life in Arizona.
Arizona also has the beauty of nature in some of the West's most beautiful areas. Many snowbirds find Arizona hard to resist. There are activities that are readily available such as golf, hobby interests of all types, cutural events, water sports, gambling, sports of all types, bird watching at it's best, and more shopping that you ever imagine.
Arizona has it all! Natural unparalleled scenic splendor, serenity and tranquility, idyllic landscaped, all wrapped in a vast, endless blue sky. Arizona has the beauty of nature in some of the West's most beautiful areas, and the unique lifestyle that can add an interesting and fascinating element to your snowbird experience.
Many snowbirds actually purchase homes, pay their taxes and consider an area of Arizona to be their residence for 6 months each year. Winter residents reside in Arizona for an average of 4 months. Winter residents inject 1.1 billion dollars of consumer spending into the Arizona economy.
Arizona has a bright future as host to increasing numbers of winter residents, particularly aging baby boomers itching to spend their retirement years traveling. Remember, you don't outgrow playgrounds, they just get bigger with time.
An estimated 400,000 snowbirds enjoy Arizona each year. Mohave County, is a sparsely populated area the size of Massachusetts with a population of only 200,000 full-time residents. More than 80,000 snowbirds arrive each winter. |